How To Get The Osteo Striga Exotic SMG In Destiny 2- The Witch Queen

While the paths to Exotic weapons in Destiny 2 is usually fairly straightforward, finding Osteo Striga can be a little more confusing. The new Exotic submachine gun is a bonus for buying the deluxe edition of the new Witch Queen expansion, but unlike other Exotics that come with purchases, such as Grand Overture, it’s not immediately clear what you need to do to unlock the bonus weapon. In fact, when you first enter the expansion, the game won’t mention the gun at all, and when it finally does, you might miss it.

Osteo Striga requires you to take some steps to earn it–in fact, you’ll play the entire Witch Queen campaign before you get any information about Osteo Striga, and you’ll need to understand something about the new weapon crafting system, the Relic, in order to get it. You’re going to want this gun, however–it’s excellent. Here’s everything you need to know about how to get Osteo Striga.

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